Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Adrianne Curry's Racist Ranting

Recently , America's first "Next Top Model," thought she had something profound to say and in her clumsy attempt to do so, failed miserably. Although she professes to not be a racist the very fact that she made statements of none fact to support her premise that "Blacks should get over slavery" because the Jews have, and BET should not exist because if any other station was a race exclusive channel we'd yell Racism, blaa, blaa, blaa merely exposes her ignorance as t what racism is. Has she not flipped the channels to see the numerous all Spanish stations or the numerous Asian: Korean, Japanese, Chinese or Filipino channels directed specifically to their various ethnicities? Has she not lived in America where the Jewish population may not address the Biblical slavery endured under the Egyptian s but they have made it perfectly clear that the Holocaust is something they will never tolerate again and they do so by keeping it in our face consistently to remind us that one, it did occur; two that they were victims; three, someone had to pay (and did); four, they must be compensated for their suffering (and was); five, no one gets away with publicly disrespecting Jews without a civil reprimand and finally her total ignorance of history is baffling. She states, "Do we hear the Jews crying that they were made slaves for thousands of years? Do we hear them whine that they should OWN the pyramids in Egypt because THEY broke their backs making them? Do we hear them bitch and moan about Hitler, etc? (my hubby is a Jew)Nope, we dont. It's time for us to UNITE AS ONE. I do not think that singling out one race, giving one race opportunities to go to college (I know a TON of poor white.asian, indian, american indian, etc etc that could use that too!), giving one race the EXCUSE to blame things on others for being whatever nationality they are, is a good way at making sure we NEVER kill racism."

What part of how Israel came into existence does she not get? And why does she think that it exist? And what part of pursuing the prosecution of Nazi War criminals, does she not get was initiated led by the American Jewish community? What does she think Germany's financial payment to Jews was all about after Hitler's reign? Does she think it just happened because the Germans felt benevolent? No, it happened because the Jews were relentless in making their claims and demanding retribution. Just recently, this year 2007 Japanese women were awarded reparations for having been held as sex slaves in World War II.

Such transaction occur all throughout history based on the inhumane crimes of one group of people against another. The point being that it is normal to pay for your crimes against another in a humane world. Even the Afrikaners of South Africa are seeking ways to heal the pain they caused the Black South Africans under Apartheid. They participate in public discussions and therapeutic discussion sessions. The Afrikaners stepped up and admitted that what they had done was a travesty. On the other hand the American Whites refuse to acknowledge that any wrong doing was done or anything criminal was committed. The Jews share in our history of the Klu Klux Klan, so they know about the racism. And they know that it still exist. Unfortunately all such humanity is forsaken when it comes to Blacks in America. We deserve at minimal a National apology. And to address the idea of reparations: the 30 acres and a mule is significance because it was promised by the American Government. America delivers on all of its other promises made to any other group so what makes us different?

Ms. Curry speaks as if she has some knowledge and yet she speaks from a very ignorant space void of historical knowledge and content. She unfortunately reflects the inadequacy of America's public educational system. The fact that she can comfortably state that Black History Month is racist and declare that the Native Americans are much more deserving of acknowledgment than are Blacks is ludicrous. Not because they are not deserving but because she is doing exactly what White America has always done: compare the minorities to pit them against one another. I find it interesting that she left the Hispanic portion of the population out of the picture. Is it because they have a Month of Celebration? And what about the Pacifier Islanders, The Filipinos and so on? Thy all celebrate months in their honor. What world is she living in? Clearly not ours.

Racism is alive and well. Because she doesn't experience it does not mean that it doesn't exist. Next she'll be telling us that women are treated equal in all areas of our life experience. And so what, that she accepts that we all come from a Black woman, as she states,"I am over this shit. WE ALL CAME FROM ONE BLACK WOMAN FROM AFRICA, THAT is our EVE! It has been proven by science, and I stand by it. If any other race had a chanel dedicated to just them, we would think it was racist. If any other race demanded a month be set aside for ONLY them, they would be considered racist. I am NOT living by this double standard any longer."

It's all null and void if you have no respect for one's humanity and right to feel the ache from pain one has suffered. It is also a scientific fact that if you lose an arm or leg, you continue to feel the limb long after it's amputated or severed. Is that not real because you the person outside of the experience doesn't see it or feel it? I think not. She can walk around here with her White girl arrogance and spout her attitude as if she said something of substance if she wants to and fool around and get her behind whipped ( figuratively speaking and or otherwise) because she doesn't know what she's talking about. She is the "double standard."

I don't blame her, She's ignorant and she's been given a false sense of power. She's no historian, or psychiatrist , MSW or anything that would give her insight into the impact of post slavery trauma and all of its psychological/emotional detriment it has caused Blacks. How dare she! She's just another privileged "White girl" who got 15 seconds of fame and is honing in on it. And we haven't even discussed the social, economic and political institutional racism that was created solely to oppress the Black man in America.

I'm calling Ms. Curry out. Let her address us on a panel at a forum and we will see just how bad she is. She says, "I am asking you ALL to join me. Black, White, Indian, Asian, Russian, Australian, etc etc..lets be AMERICANS together! What happened to the African American community was AMERICAN HISTORY, not BLACK HISTORY. If you want to celebrate in a way that excludes others and singles one race out, count me the FUCK out! I am soooo proud to be an American. I am SO proud that I have friends of every race, and none of us see each other as anything but what we are..people. Lets change Black History Month to 2 months of AMERICAN HISTORY."

EXACTLY! what happened to American history that included the contributions of Blacks? The only reason we have "Black History is because Blacks were not mentioned in the history books except to say that they were slaves making no mention of the numerous contributions made my countless Blacks. Our plight was never presented in a humane way. So we fought for Black History.

So I want to say F__K you Ms. Curry but the humane aspect of myself prohibits me from doing so and grants me empathy therefore I forgive her ignorance because once more "We as Black people must take the high road, as Martin Luther King Jr., reminded us. We must not take on the behavior of our oppressors but rather teach them through love and compassion what it is to be human. Ms. Curry has a way to go.